Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit di Rumah Sakit X Kabupaten Indramayu


  • Wiwin Nuryani


One indicator of a hospital that has good management is a hospital that is based on the
use of a hospital information management system or SIMRS. The Hospital Management
Information System aims to organize administration and also increase the efficiency of
resource use and also to improve the quality of hospital services. Purpose: This research
aims to review the condition of hospital information management regarding integration,
employee competency, and the use of SIMRS in planning and implementing hospital
policies. Methods: This research is qualitative research with data collection methods
using observation and interviews. Secondary data is also collected to support the
secondary data obtained. Results: Information management at X Hospital has been
integrated into patient services, employees in information management consist of health
and non-health employees, and hospital information management plays a role in
improving hospital performance. Conclusion: Information management at X Hospital
has been running well and should be based on planning and has played a role in
improving the quality of the hospital.





