Analisis Perhitungan Jumlah Kebutuhan SDM Menggunakan Metode Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) di Instalasi Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) Rumah Sakit Swasta


  • Dwi Indah Purwanti
  • Nur Syarianingsih Syam


Human resources are a valuable investment for hospitals because they can manage
all hospital functions and hospitals are required to provide qualified human
resources. One of the human resources in the hospital is CSSD health workers. The
purpose of the study was to calculate the number of HR needs using the Workload
Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) method at the CSSD Installation of a Private
Hospital. The research is a type of qualitative research with a case study research
design. The research subjects totaled 4 people consisting of observation
informants, namely three CSSD health workers and interview informants
consisting of two CSSD health workers and the head of SDI staffing. Data collection
instruments through in-depth interviews and observations were carried out with a
time and motion study approach and calculation of human resource needs using
the WISN method.The available work time in the CSSD Installation of a Private
Hospital is 138180 minutes per person per year. The highest workload standard in
the instrument labeling activity results in a time of 69090 minutes. Standard
leeway is 0.08 minutes. The quantity of basic activities amounted to 15387
minutes per year. WISN calculation through a ratio value of 0.6, the number of
health workers needed in the CSSD Installation of Private Hospitals in 2023 needed
as many as 7 personnel. There is a need for additional health workers as much as 3
personnel from the 4 available personnel.





