Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar) 2024-10-19T04:49:39+00:00 Asih Mardati, M.Pd Open Journal Systems <hr /> <table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Journal title</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar)</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Initials</td> <td width="80%"><strong>FunDaDikDas</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Abbreviation</td> <td width="80%"><strong><em>J. Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidik. Dasar)</em></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Three issues per year (March, July and November)</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Prefix 10.12928</strong><strong><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Online ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2614-1620</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Asih Mardati, M.Pd</a><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Citation Analysis</td> <td width="80%"><a href=";user=urm8SUgAAAAJ" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Google Scholar</strong></a> | <strong><a href="">DOAJ</a></strong> | <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a> <a href="" target="_self">| Sinta</a></strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <hr /> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar)</strong> is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of elementary education. This journal is founded and published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan <strong>three times</strong> a year (<strong>March, July, </strong>and <strong>November</strong>). All submitted papers must be written in <strong>English</strong> and will be initially reviewed by editors and are then evaluated by a minimum of <strong>two Reviewers</strong> through the <strong>double-blind review </strong>process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar)</strong> is a scientific research publication issued by the Elementary Education Department of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. It aims to create a media of information, communication and discussion forums for Elementary school education, teaching, and learning. The scope of the journal focuses on original research papers on:</p> <ul> <li style="text-align: justify;">Instruction of primary education (natural science, social science, mathematics, language, civics, religion, physical education, and art),</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">The curriculum of primary education,</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">Management of primary education,</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">Guidance and counseling of primary education,</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">Elementary education psychology, and</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">Elementary school teacher education</li> </ul> <p>Scopus References Search Keywords:</p> <p>"J. Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidik. Dasar)" OR "Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar)"</p> <p><a href=";src=s&amp;st1=%22JURNAL+JPSD+%28Jurnal+Pendidikan+Sekolah+Dasar%29%22&amp;sid=7d2c01ab13fa65d5ec1b1a931db583db&amp;sot=b&amp;sdt=b&amp;sl=52&amp;s=REF%28%22J.+Fundadikdas+%28Fundamental+Pendidik.+Dasar%29%22+OR+%22Jurnal+Fundadikdas+%28Fundamental+Pendidikan+Dasar%29%22%29&amp;origin=searchbasic&amp;editSaveSearch=&amp;yearFrom=Before+1960&amp;yearTo=Present&amp;sessionSearchId=7d2c01ab13fa65d5ec1b1a931db583db&amp;limit=10" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SCOPUS CITATION RESULT (NEED LOGIN)</a></p> Mural as a multicultural media and paradigm for elementary school teacher education students 2023-12-11T07:07:52+00:00 Fery Setyaningrum Sagaf Faozata Adzkia Probosiwi Probosiwi <p>Indonesia is a country with diverse cultures, ethnicities, races, religions, and all kinds of differences. Seeing the unique characteristics of Indonesian society, full of multicultural, it is very interesting to look at the learning process. It can be seen that the nation's generation comes from young people, of course through education they can be given an understanding of differences. Murals can be used as an educational medium. The aim of this research is to analyze murals as a media and multicultural paradigm for PGSD students. This research method uses a qualitative research type. Using data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and document review. Data analysis uses data reduction, data verification, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that murals are a type of fine arts education that can be used as a medium for the process of transferring knowledge to students. Through art murals, students can process their feelings by expressing themselves and refreshing themselves as well as becoming aware of various social problems. Apart from that, murals can also be useful for exploring local wisdom as one's own cultural potential, apart from honing oneself to understand the meaning of the value of mutual cooperation education. Apart from that, the mural paradigm can be seen through mural learning based on cultural pluralism and cultural diversity. The gap in this research is that murals are usually only used as expressions of artistic creation, even murals on the streets also give the impression of vandalism. However, apart from that, murals have the value of conveying a certain meaning in each work.</p> 2024-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fery Setyaningrum, Sagaf Faozata Adzkia , Probosiwi Probosiwi Analysis of Teacher Assistants in Preventing Verbal Bullying in Elementary School Students 2024-07-24T08:43:34+00:00 Wahyu Nur Santi Santi Hanum Hanifa Sukma <p><em>Language is a way for people to communicate between speakers and interlocutors; with language, people can understand what they are talking about. This study aims to describe the forms of verbal bullying behavior of students of SD Muhammadiyah Bausasran Yogyakarta and describe teacher assistance in preventing verbal bullying of students of SD Muhammadiyah Bausasran Yogyakarta. This research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. This research uses source triangulation and technique triangulation to re-examine the data that has been researched. The results of this study are that Muhammadiyah Bausasran Yogyakarta Elementary School teachers have implemented teacher assistance by using good language politeness to prevent verbal bullying of class IV students. The forms of verbal bullying that occur at SD Muhammadiyah Bausasran Yogyakarta are mocking, making fun of, cheering, humiliating, and giving nicknames. Factors that influence verbal bullying are individual factors, family factors, peer factors, school factors, and mass media factors. The way teachers overcome verbal bullying that occurs in class IV of SD Muhammadiyah Bausasran Yogyakarta is by providing assistance to participants by using good language politeness.</em></p> 2024-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Nur Santi Santi, Hanum Hanifa Sukma