Transformational leadership and consumer citizenship behavior on employee creativity: The mediating role of intrinsic motivation


  • Hendro Setyono Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Syifa Fitriani Universitas Ahmad Dahlan



Implementing a suitable leadership style and understanding consumer citizenship behavior can increase employee creativity. Intrinsic motivation is necessary to support consumer citizenship behavior and transformational leadership in improving employee creativity. This study examines how consumer citizenship and transformational leadership affect employee creativity, using intrinsic motivation as a mediating factor. 46 respondents represent the study's sample, and the population focus is Bank Syariah Indonesia employees. The study's findings show that: customer citizenship behavior influences intrinsic motivation, which in turn influences employee creativity; employee creativity is not impacted by customer citizenship behavior; employee creativity is impacted by intrinsic motivation; employee creativity is mediated by intrinsic motivation; employee creativity is impacted by transformational leadership; employee creativity is impacted by transformational leadership; employee creativity is impacted by transformational leadership; and employee creativity is not mediated by intrinsic motivation.


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How to Cite

Setyono, H., Adawiyah, W. R. ., & Fitriani, S. (2024). Transformational leadership and consumer citizenship behavior on employee creativity: The mediating role of intrinsic motivation. Jurnal Fokus Manajemen Bisnis, 14(2), 256–270.




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