
  • Nada Arina Romli Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Khairunnisa Rosdiani Universitas Negeri Jakarta



Grameen, Bank, Syariah, Ecomonic, Empowerment, Women


Introduction to The Problem: The Covid-19 pandemic has increased extreme poverty in Indonesia. The economic sector is also hampered, as a result many husbands have lost their jobs due to layoffs or died due to Covid-19, so many women are forced to become the backbone to support their families. Grameen Bank PMD product is one of the solutions offered by Islamic Banks to help mothers become entrepreneurs to help the family economy.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the Customer Relationship Management conducted by Bank Syariah in penetrating the market.

Methodology: This research qualitative descriptive research, with a constructivist para-digm, and a research approach using case studies and analyse by the symbolic interation by George Herbert Mead. Data collectiontechniques used were study interview, observation,  literature study journal and reporting news. The sampling technique used in this study was the purposive sampling technique.

Findings: The results of this study indicate that the marketing model used is the 360 degree marketing model. (1) Development of the SME community. This community development begins by utilizing opinion leaders to gather women SMEs in the neighborhood who are interested in the training. They hold a meeting (PRS) every 2 weeks to be educated about the products offered as well as entrepreneurship education. Furthermore, the community was given a short training for 2 weeks to see their enthusiasm and seriousness in doing business. Furthermore, individual and group assessments are carried out to see whether the fostered group is worthy of obtaining business funding (2) The use of opinion leaders to persuade people around them to be interested in participating in the PMD program. Opinion leaders used are the head of the PKK, the head of the RT, RW or village apparatus. (3) Market penetration is also carried out through digital marketing, namely by utilizing the community whatsapp group..


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