A mathematical model of meningitis with antibiotic effects


  • Rini Sania br Ginting Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Yudi Ari Adi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan




basic reproduction number, global stability, local stability, meningitis


The mathematical model in this study is a SCIR-type meningitis disease spread model, namely susceptible (S), carrier (C), infected (I), and recovery (R). In the model used, there are two equilibrium points, namely the disease-free equilibrium point and the endemic equilibrium point. The conditions and stability of the equilibrium point are determined by the basic reproduction number, which is the value that determines whether or not the spread of meningitis infection in a population. The results of this study show that the stability of the disease-free equilibrium point and the endemic equilibrium point are locally asymptotically stable and by using the Lyapunov Function method it is found that the disease-free equilibrium point will be globally stable when, while the endemic equilibrium point will be globally stable when numerical simulations perform to support the theoretical results.


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