The Zero-Sum Discrete-Time Feedback Linear Quadratic Dynamic Game: From Two-Player Case to Multi-Player Case


  • Muhammad Wakhid Musthofa UIN Sunan Kalijaga
  • Jacob Engwerda Tilburg University



linear quadratic dynamic game, Feedback information structure, Discrete-time, Multi-player


The two-person zero-sum discrete-time feedback linear quadratic dynamic game is considered. A method that provides a saddle-point for the zero-sum discrete dynamic game is developed to derive a necessary and sufficient condition under which the game has a feedback saddle-point solution. Existence solutions, which are described in terms of a sequence of nonnegative definite algebraic Riccati matrices, are constructed. Next, a generalization of such a game to a multi-player case is studied. Using the results in a two-person case, the characterization of a feedback saddle-point solution for the multi-player game is derived.


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